We know a lot of people have been asking for picks to be tracked, so make sure to click here for the Google sheet. Our very own Dan Rivera (@danrivera228 on Twitter) does the tracking. Picks will be up sometime late Saturday on most weeks. If you find an error, please reach out to us on Twitter (@betpredators) to get it fixed. It's a lot of picks, overall, and we want to be as transparent and accurate as possible. The odds are relative to when the picks themselves are given out, not to the closing line. Dan will continue to tweak the sheet to make it more user friendly as each week goes by. To get the picks earlier, make sure to subscribe and listen to the official Betting Predators NFL Preview weekly pod and shop for the best lines.
Side Note: Our official "Sheep of the Week" picks are run by Sleepy J, and he will be announcing those on Twitter at some point either Saturday or early Sunday morning. On the same sheet linked above, you can also switch tabs to see who was the sheep (highlighted) of the week along with other sheep contention picks (this will be completed by Saturday or whenever Dan gets the info). Keep an eye on Sleepy's Twitter page to get access to sheep of the week faster. BOL for your weekly pigskin picks, and enjoy the games!